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Voodoo in Savannah?

Many people who are familiar with the wonderful city of New Orleans wonder if decadent little Savannah is as steeped in Voodoo practices as well. Not exactly. New Orleans has Voodoo, whereas Savannah and the surrounding low country has Hoodoo, also called Conjure or Root Magic. The difference is significant despite occasional similarities. Voodoo is a religion which originated in Africa, and passed through Haiti where it absorbed Catholic overtones. Hoodoo however is primarily a system of folk magic, involving herbs, incantations and spells. There are no religious rites with Hoodoo. There are no Catholic influences. Some practioners of Voodoo also incorporate folk magic and this is where the overlap between the two becomes obvious. Folk magic in Savannah is still practiced by all races. You can look to the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil for a glimpse of the prevalence of these beliefs, across race and economic barriers. Jim Williams, a wealthy white man seeking assist...
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Why are there so many ghosts in Savannah?

In a previous post I talked about the theory of attachment being a  reason our sultry little city is so haunted. But here is a second cause for the ghosts that seem to linger in our buildings, streets and squares. There are age old superstitions regarding crossroads. Some of these date back to the 1300s. Crossroads have been a location considered neither here nor there. A place between worlds. In voodoo and hoodoo tradition it was a place to summon a dark spirit who would confer special powers upon you, if you performed the ritual properly. Blues musicians often referenced crossroads as the place they met with the devil, and won their musical talent. Numerous Celtic and European cultures believed that crossroads were a magical place to perform spells or to placate spirits. Crossroads are considered to be a veritable hot spot for paranormal activity. In Savannah's lovely historic district there is a precise and neatly laid out grid-work of streets. Each of the beautifu...

Conrad Aiken-Murder, suicide and 22 years in Savannah

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Ghosts and Contractors-an uneasy mix in Savannah

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The trees of Savannah

Savannah Georgia is a magical and special place. There's no doubt about that. One of the things that make it so special are the stunning trees. Our urban forest contains hundreds of great and graceful trees, offering shade during our sultry summers . The most iconographic are our moss draped Live Oaks. These magnificent trees can live to be over 1000  years. They are evergreen ,providing a wonderful green canopy even in the winter. The oldest in Savannah is the venerable Chandler oak across the street from Forsyth Park. Because of our trees Savannah was known as Forest City in the early 1900s. The first law concerning Savannah's trees was enacted in 1795 . The fine for cutting down a tree then was $20. That would be around $400 today. I suspect if you actually chopped down a tree now though, the fine would be much greater than $400. Our trees are a treasure and a sight not to be forgotten. Come stroll the tree lined streets of Savannah with a professional local tour guide...

The ghost of Wright Square-Savannah

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Haunted Savannah- The Bradley Lock and Key Company

This curious and fascinating shop is located on a side street off of  one of Savannah's gorgeous squares. The building is older than Bradley's but the company itself dates from 1883.The shop is crammed with an ecletic array of artifacts from days gone by. And of course, keys. Hundreds and hundreds of them. The business has been owned and operated by the same family for all these years. The present owner's father, Aaron Bradley was enthralled by spiritualism and held many seances in the building. He had a friend that  also shared his interests in the "other side", Harry Houdini! Houdini visited the Bradley family on several occasions. People walking by Bradley Lock and Key have often been startled by misty apparitions drifting past the windows late at night. A paranormal group investigating the building was treated to some interesting electronic voice phenomena. Hear more tales of this historic haunt on Mad Cat Tour's Ghosts of Savannah Tour. ...